Ginormous two inch gumballs are so huge that they require the supersized dispensing mechanism of a toy capsule machine. Kids love these giant gumballs because it takes a big mouth to consume them effectively! 51mm, or 2 inches, is bigger than what most people can offer in terms of a big mouth!
Additional Information
What Niches do the 2" Gumballs Fill?
2" Gumballs meet certain needs, owing to their giant size, that are not possible with smaller gumballs.
First is the Wow factor - by virtue of their extreme size, most people find them amazing, and a certain amount of amazement is needed in everyone's life!
Next is the time factor; almost no one can put an entire 2" gumball completely into the mouth, so they need to lick it little by little to finish it or break it into pieces and consume separately. So, it requires some time to contemplate and then consume.
Third is a connection to reality; these gumballs are large enough that, with a little imagination, they can reasonably be seen to mimic some of the full sized fruits they resemble.
By providing for a sense of amazement, some time to accomplish an important task, and an imaginative connection to reality, these 2-Inch giant gumballs are some of's finest offerings!