Hot dog supplies and hot dog vending supplies for sale! Keep your hot dog stand in business with the best supplies at the best prices. is the #1 supplier of hot dog supplies on the internet. All of the hot dog supplies sold by have been used in some of the busiest hot dog vending operations in the world and are designed for years of trouble free use.
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What's So Special About Hot Dogs?
Hot Dog trivia abounds because the origin and development of most things related to hot dogs remains shrouded in a great deal of mystery. The uncertainty of the hot dog's history leaves a trail of trivia minus a clearly coherent story. Following are some details that are of interest:
- No one is quite sure how or when hot dogs were invented, created, imagined or first invented or sold.
- Stories about the invention of the sausages precursor to hot dogs go as far back as the time of Nero. In those days, prior to butchering a pig, food was withheld from the animal for a week. Nero's cook went to test a roasting pig and discovered that it had not been cleaned. The empty intestines puffed up and poofed out and Nero's cook had a 'eureka' moment - later stuffing the intestines with flavorful ground meat - and the sausage was born.
- Why do hot dogs come 10 to a package while the buns come in packages of 8? Meatpackers sell by the pound and most hotdogs weigh a tenth of a pound. Buns are typically baked in eight roll pans. Well, that does explain it!!!
- Originally, the sausage precursors to hot dogs were sold plain. They were too hot and customers burned their hands. So, the sausage vendors started offering gloves to protect the customers' hands. Customers kept the gloves and the vendors lost money. Then someone thought to serve the hot dog on a piece of bread instead of on a glove, and the hot dog in a bun came into existence.
- In 1867, Charles Feltman, a German butcher, opened up the first Coney Island hot dog stand in Brooklyn, New York
- In the USA, about 20 billion hot dogs are consumed per year . That is an average of about 70 hot dogs per person.