Carousel Gumball Refills


Re-fill any Carousel brand gumball machine with any of these tasty gumballs. Carousel gumball refills are promised fresh - these ship directly from Ford Gum. Carousel gumballs don't last long because they are delicious!

Additional Information

Why use Carousel Gumball Refills?

This question can be answered in two phases: why use refills in your machine and in particular, why use Carousel refills?

Refills (gumballs of 5/8" = .62" diameter) give a candy machine owner the option of selling gumballs without making any changes to his or her machine. In fact, a machine equipped with a candy dispensing wheel is already ready to sell gum refills. So, without any alteration to the machine, and a bag of refills, it's easy to change over to gumballs.

Carousel refills offer known consistency for the candy machine owner who wants to sell gumballs. They have been around for a long time, they are consistently available for all your vending route needs. Carousel gumballs keep the customers coming back for more!

Carousel Gumball Refills

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