Novelty candies bring together the sweet and the fun, where candy becomes toys for wonderful fun or party favors! The fondest childhood candy memories are often around toys such as candy necklaces, PEZ dispensers, circus peanuts, and wax lips. offers sales of novelty candy with zero sales tax and our excellent freshness guarantee!
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What Kinds of Novelty Candy are Available?
Novelty candy involves candy with either a toy involved or a special theme or shape, making the candy stand out for special purposes. Some of our novelty candy includes a gift box or a game. Novelty candy toys appeal to youngsters and adults alike because the toy makes the candy seem to last longer. Candy memories surface whenever the toy is used. Candy in novel shapes allows for a fun reality check, as in having burgers and hot dogs in gummi form. Regardless of whether you want to appeal to a sense of fun, surprise or gifting, novelty candy toys and such are a great way to take advantage of what has to offer!