Home-use gumball machines like the Carousel machines specifically require gumballs or candies on the small end of the spectrum. Gumballs.com is the #1 supplier of .62" and smaller gumballs. We have the largest selection of assorted gumballs, reasonable and low prices, a stunning freshness guarantee, & zero sales tax!
Additional Information
What are Small Half Inch to .62" Mini Gumballs Good For?
The smallest of the small gumballs are typically what is needed for either an old-fashioned, antique machine, or for a vintage-antique machine.
Old-fashioned, real antique machines often vend a single .62" gumball at a time because that was the most gum that was considered appropriate to chew. Back in the day when chewing gum and vending machines got started, people were only used to small amounts of sugar in the diet and gum chewing was not as acceptable socially as it is now. So, vending machines offered a single .62" gumball per vend.
In addition, most often these machines were "penny" machines because the gum sold for a penny. There are still some penny machines around, and most of them vend .62" gumballs. As prices increased, new machines became "nickel" machines. Gumball machines have come a long way since then, now normally vending for 25 cents (a quarter).
Today, there are many antique replica machines that vend .62" or smaller gumballs. However, they do so by means of a candy wheel, which, even at the smallest setting is likely to vend at least 2 or 3 gumballs. Consistent with gum-chewing habits in today's world, this makes for a nice treat for a quarter. Both .62" and .50" gumballs vend well from these machines. When small half-inch to .62" mini gumballs are needed, Gumballs.com is the best place to find them!!!!