Standard Change Machines proudly distributes Standard Change Machines. Since 1955, Standard Change Machines has designed and manufactured currency changers for self-service, coin-operated industries, such as laundry, car wash, amusement and vending. Fabricated to order in the United States (means made in America), these superior quality machines require very little maintenance. When problems do arise, they are usually resolved by phone with a technician or avoided altogether with a few simple maintenance steps. And, of course, each Standard change machine comes with manufacturer's warranty and's 30 day guarantee.

Why Buy a Standard Change Machine?

Since 1955, Standard Change-Makers, Inc. has been in the business of designing and manufacturing currency changers for self-service, coin-operated industries - such as laundry, carwash, amusement and vending. Starting with simple mechanical devices that dispensed nickels and dimes for half-dollars, they have grown by being on the forefront of technology for bill validation, electronic dispense and modular "plug & play" components. They have maintained their commitment to secure construction, reliability, accuracy and long product life. Standard's customer service support is the finest in the industry, and their reputation for quick service response is unmatched whether it be for a machine purchased last year or twenty years ago.

Standard Change Machines

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