Economy Plus Candy Crane Mix 4915pc
- Brand
- EA Vending Toys
- Low Price:
- 30-Day Guarantee
Economy Plus Candy Crane Mix - Brand Name Candy
About 4915 pieces - package filled by weight, not volume!
Perfect for a first time fill or combine with other mixes to lower your average cost. Approximately 50 pounds of candy!
The mix includes candies similar to these brand name candies (subject to change, but always similar quality), or similar:
- Banana Chews
- Black Cherry Chews
- Flinstones Fruit Chews
- Green Apple Chews
- Ice Cream Chews
- Cherry Chews
- Assorted Fruit Chews
- Blue Raspberry
- Green Apple
- Strawberry
- Sour Grape
- Sour Rainbow
- Sour Strawberry
- Taffy Time Flavored Chews
- Toxic Waste Miniatures
- Candy Rings
- Atomic Fireball Wrap
- Lemon Head Wrapped
- Gold Bear Minis
- Swedish Fish
- Sour Patch Kids
- Wonka Mix-Ups
- Laffy Taffy Mix
- Nerds
- Smarties - Sweet Tarts Packets
- Smarties - Sweet Tarts Rolls
- Air Heads Blue Raspberry
- PEZ Bulk Mini Rolls
- Pop Rocks
- Samito Pops
- Fruit Filled Candy
- Azedinha Sour Drop Candy
- Strawberries
- Starlight Fruit
- Tootsie Rolls
- Tab Rolls
- Black Cherry Pop Mix
- Root Beer Barrels
- Candy Necklace
- Candy Watch
- Candy Loveheart Bracelet
- Crack Ups Popping Candy
- Fun Toons Candy Sticks
- Tootsie Pop Miniature
This Economy Plus Candy Crane Mix is in stock and usually ships out in one or two business days.