

Make friends with the dentist by means of these jawbreakers. They really mean "Jaw" plus "breakers"; in Spanish the word is "Quebra-muelas", connoting the same compound word. They are big enough to make teeth crooked, and challenge anyone believed to have a big mouth already! Buy these large candies and befriend the dentist soon thereafter. Our bulk jawbreakers vary in content and size. Choose candy or gum center, and your preferred diameter - jawbreakers range in size from less than 1" all the way up to 2 and a quarter inches. Gumballs.com is also proud to carry the most elaborate selection of certified Kosher jawbreakers on the internet! Each individual product page lists the specific Kosher certification and symbol.

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The History of Jawbreakers

Gobstoppers are commonly referred to as Jawbreakers in the United States and Canada and sometimes even called a jawbuster. They are a hard sugar candy that is designed to last for a long time. Kids love them because of their long life span and the Book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl invented the fictional everlasting gobstopper – a candy that would last forever. Here are some things about jawbreakers that you probably did not know.

Jawbreakers are generally shaped as a sphere and the Ferrara Pan Company claims to have invented them in the early 1900’s. There is evidence that other candy companies were creating similar treats before this time, but Ferrara Pan is certainly one of the first companies to start producing large quantities of Jawbreakers.

How Are Jawbreakers Made?

Jaw Breakers are made using a hot panning process that can take up to 3 weeks to produce each jawbreaker. This cooking process works by adding single grains of sugar one at a time into a heated rotating cylinder. During this process color and flavor is added to the jawbreakers to give them their distinctive multi-colored layers. The result of this slow heated process is a candy that is hard and durable that withstands water better than most sugar candies. Watch this video to see more about how jawbreakers are made:

Originally Jawbreakers were about half an inch or 1.25cm in size, but as they became more and more popular, demand for larger jawbreakers increased. Today the largest jawbreakers are over 2 inches in size and are much too large to fit in a child’s mouth (which is good because it would be a serious choking hazard if they could).

Are Jawbreakers Dangerous?

Jawbreakers are by their very nature designed to be as hard as a rock and the largest jawbreakers are over two inches in diameter. This combination means that it would be very painful if one were to throw a jawbreaker and hit you with it. Jawbreakers can also pose a choking hazard and we recommend jawbreakers are only consumed by children 12+ years old while under parental supervision.


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