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Are you looking for gumball and candy machine parts - such as lock & key sets, coin mechanisms, glass globes, dispensing wheels, candy wheels, or other vending machine replacement parts? We offer brand new factory-original replacement gumball machine parts, but only for some of the manufacturers whose machines are available for sale on our website. Please read our Parts Buying Guide below.
Please note: We offer no exchanges, refunds or returns on replacement parts. Even if you think your machine looks "just like the one in the picture", please do not call us with questions or buy our parts! If you need help with parts, please Email Us photos of your machine and state what parts you need. We will need one overall picture of the front of the machine and closeups of any words or logos; with proper pictures, we will try to provide guidance. Without photos, we can't answer questions about parts for old gumball machines. Click on the photo of your machine below to preliminarily identify and maybe even purchase your gumball machine part.
This guide is intended to be a helpful resource for you to read before buying parts. Parts for machines come in three different categories: coin mechanisms, lock & key sets, and other parts (globes, hoppers, barrels, center rods, etc). Gumballs.com does not provide any returns on parts. The information below may help you order the correct parts.
Many customers incorrectly assume they know their machine manufacturer, then order the wrong parts which they cannot use or return. Many customers look at photos on our website and think their machine “looks just like it” but later realize it’s the wrong machine. There are many different manufacturers of machines that look alike. Parts for these machines are often NOT interchangeable. Do take care to avoid a false sense of security about identifying the manufacturer of a machine by comparing it to a picture online. Fortunately, once our customer service department started checking this carefully, the number of happy customers with correct parts started to increase.
The first place you want to check when you are trying to identify your gumball machine parts is on the machine itself. Check the door flap or the lid of the gumball machine to see if there are any brand names stamped into those metal pieces. The coin mechanism is another good place to check, with one exception: the Beaver Brand coin mechanisms is often used by non-Beaver machine manufacturers. If your coin mechanism says Beaver but the word Beaver is not also found on the top lid or door flap of the machine, your machine is almost certainly not a Beaver brand gumball machine.
Does your machine say Beaver on the coin mechanism, as in the photo below? Just because the coin mechanism says Beaver doesn't mean it's a Beaver machine!
Even if your coin mechanism says “Beaver”, your machine is likely made by a different manufacturer. Many manufacturers build their own machines but use the Beaver coin mechanism (because it is well built & built to last.) So buying Beaver replacement parts may not work on the machine. These non-Beaver manufacturers also modify the Beaver coin mechanisms to fit their machines, so new Beaver coin mechanisms do not work as replacement parts. Nothing is wrong with the coin mechanism or the machine, but the wrong Beaver coin mechanism will not work. To avoid this difficulty, we recommends purchasing a coin mechanism for your exact machine brand (for example, a Wizard coin mechanism for a Wizard machine, a Roadrunner coin mechanism for a Roadrunner machine). And of course, if you are ordering something other than a coin mechanism for a machine with a Beaver coin mechanism, then please ensure to order the part that goes with the machine manufacturer, which may or may not be Beaver.
Many generic gumball machines look like Carousel brand machines, but their parts are different. Gumballs.com even sells generic “Vintage Candy & Gumball Machines” that are not Carousel brand, and for which Carousel parts do not work.
To identify a Carousel machine, look for the trademarks of the Carousel brand: on the top left corner of the coin mechanism, you should see a carousel tent with the numbers “1985”. Here is a large picture of the Carousel logo with tent.
Here is a picture of the coin mech with the Carousel logo and “1985” in the upper left corner:
You’ll also notice that surrounding the crank, underneath it, the word “CAROUSEL” is spelled out in elaborately stylized letters, and there is a partial circle of stick figure children
Other generic manufacturers (eg “Vintage: or Great Northern Popcorn brands) whose machines “look just like a Carousel machine”, include one that has a leaf pattern on it’s coin mechanism as in the picture below...this is NOT a Carousel machine, and many Carousel parts will not work!
We have had many customers ignore our advice here and they ended up with parts they could not use on their Carousel machine, and we do not accept returns on parts. Please be careful.
Does your machine have a Rhino folding its arms on the chute door (see photo below). Gumballs.com provides Rhino machine replacement parts.
Does your machine have “V-LINE” on the lid or coin mechanism? You’re in luck! Gumballs.com carries parts of all kinds for V-Line machines. However some machines just have a “V” somewhere on the machine, and these machines are NOT V-Line machines. For example, there was the Vendworx machine, which was made in China for only one year around 2001, which has a “V” on the chute door. Gumballs.com does NOT carry parts for these “V” machines, only V-Line machines. Here is a picture of the lid logo of a true V-Line machine:
Gumballs.com carries Vendmax lock & key sets and other Vendmax parts. When you buy Vendmax parts please put a note in the comments that this machine is believed to be a VendMax. For the VendMax Coin Mechanisms, please call for updated instructions.
Is your machine a triple vend with “S/V” on the chute door (see photo below)? Gumballs.com does provide S/V triple vend machine replacement parts
Northwestern machines were manufactured by a company that no longer exists, but Beaver Machine Corporation now offers a specially-modified coin mechanism that works on Northwestern machines. These Beaver New Generation coin mechs have a special adaptor plate and a different gear on the back. Gumballs.com does not sell this coin mech, and we recommend contacting Beaver directly.
A&A Industries discontinued manufacturing gumball, candy and toy capsule machines in 2017. However, Beaver Machine Corporation now offers a coin mechanism that works on A&A machines.
Gumballs.com does not have replacement parts for old vintage or antique machines, and modern parts will not work. Often the first clue that a machine is vintage, other than obvious age, is an oddly-shaped coin mechanism. Another clue is the price label: if it is a penny machine or a nickel machine (sells one gumball for a penny or a nickel). These machines nearly always sell a single gumball that seems small by today's standards (⅝”) which is another reason why modern replacement parts won’t work.
We know from our experience that NONE of the parts available on Gumballs.com are compatible with the machines below, so please search elsewhere (but we'd love to sell you refill gumballs!):
Read the full article here on How to Replace a Gumball or Candy Machine Lock & Key
Check out the full article here: How to Drill Out a Gumball or Candy Machine Lock
See our full article here: How to Convert a Coin Mechanism to Free Spin.
Check out our Spiral Gumball Machine Owner's Manual.
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